“Milletim” newspaper imprisoned editor-in-chief Faramaz Novruzoglu was visited by his family members in Prison #16 last week. The Institute for Reporters’ Freedom and Safety (IRFS) was told this by “Milletim” newspaper’s chief adviser Ramiz Tagiyev.
He said that on 18 November F.Novruzoglu celebrated his birthday in the prison.
“Faramaz did not have any complaints about the prison conditions or his health. He said that he will reveal more serious facts when he is released,” said R.Tagiyev, and noted that F.Novruzoglu took first place in the knowledge competition by the Penitentiary Services.
F.Novruzoglu was sentenced to three month imprisonment on 8 October 2009, on the basis of the special format lawsuit of the “Azadlig Harakatchilari” Union Chairman T.Novruzoglu.