Political Slogans Voiced at Nardaran Trial

Summary: Hearings #27 and #28  During his witness testimony, inmate Nadir Gadirov said they had tried to extract a statement from him against Taleh Bagirzade;  Giving evidence as a witness, inmate Aliaga Gasimov said he had been forced to sign...

Həbsdəki jurnalist saxlanma şəraitindən şikayət edir

  Yanvarın 24-də  həbsdə olan "Tolışi sədo" qəzetinin baş redaktoru Hilal Məmmədov ailəsinə zəng edərək saxlanma şəraiti ilə bağlı şikayət edib. Bu barədə Reportyorlarln Azadlıq və Təhlükəsizlik İnstitutuna (RATİ) Hilal Məmmədovun qardaşı Səbahəddin Məmmədov məlumat verib. S. Məmmədov bildirib ki, 17 saylı cəzaçəkmə müəssisəsində  saxlanılan Hilal Məmmədovun dərmanları,...

Internet Freedom Claims Ring False

Statement As Baku proudly hosts a regional forum debating the future of internet, the authorities continue to harass local activists trying to draw attention to the country’s shocking human rights. The government of Azerbaijan should use the Regional Internet Governance Forum...

Elmar Huseynov murder case

More than eight years have passed since the murder of Elmar Huseynov, editor-in-chief of Monitor magazine. He was gunned 7 times on the staircase of the building where he lived on 2 March 2005 and died in the crime scene. The people, who...

Rafiq Taqi murder case

On November 19, 2011, writer and journalist Rafiq Taqi was attacked in the street near his home by an unknown assailant who stabbed him seven times. Following surgery, Tagi had appeared to be in recovery, but he then died four...
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