IRFS - Institute for Reporters' Freedom and Safety
IRFS - Institute for Reporters' Freedom and Safety
The Institute for Reporters’ Freedom and Safety (IRFS) appeal to the authorities of Azerbaijan with demand to solve the murder of journalist Elmar Huseynov and punish both the ones that ordered and executed the shocking crime committed 17 years ago – on March 2 2005. IRFS deem that one of the major critics of the present authorities, editor-in-chief of a popular independent publisher ‘Monitor’, killed with shots at door of his house, became the most symbolic victim of the independent journalism of Azerbaijan.
IRFS - Institute for Reporters' Freedom and Safety
French citizen sentenced to 3 years in prison for graffiti in Baku Metro
Məhkəmə jurnalistin hüquqlarının məhdudlaşdırılması ilə bağlı şikayətini təmin etməyib
Court rejects journalist’s complaint about restriction on rights
Sevinc Vaqifqızının və Nərgiz Absalamovanın həbs müddəti 3 ay uzadılıb
Arrest term of Sevinj Vagifgyzy and Nargiz Absalamova extended for 3 months
Hafiz Babalının və Ülvi Həsənlinin həbs müddəti 3 ay uzadılıb
Arrest term of Hafiz Babaly and Ulvi Hasanli extended for 3 months
Tofiq Yaqublu ona qarşı ittihamların saxtalaşdırıldığını bildirib
Tofig Yagublu emphasizes falsification of charges against him
İqtisadçı Fərid Mehralızadənin həbs müddəti dekabrın 19-dək uzadılıb
Economist Farid Mehralizade’s detention extended until December 19
Azerbaijan ranks fifth among the member countries of the Council of Europe in terms of non-execution of decisions of the
Amnesty International published its annual report on the world human rights situation on March 29. The part concerning Azerbaijan indicates