IRFS - Institute for Reporters' Freedom and Safety​

IRFS - Institute for Reporters' Freedom and Safety​

The Institute for Reporters’ Freedom and Safety (IRFS) appeal to the authorities of Azerbaijan with demand to solve the murder of journalist Elmar Huseynov and punish both the ones that ordered and executed the shocking crime committed 17 years ago – on March 2 2005. IRFS deem that one of the major critics of the present authorities, editor-in-chief of a popular independent publisher ‘Monitor’, killed with shots at door of his house, became the most symbolic victim of the independent journalism of Azerbaijan.


IRFS - Institute for Reporters' Freedom and Safety​

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“Abzas Media” jurnalisti Elnarə Qasımovanın həbs müddəti uzadılıb

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Court again failed to release paralyzed activist

Today, a preparatory hearing on the criminal case of Famil Khalilov, a paralyzed activist with a disability of the first group, was held in Baku Court for Serious Crimes under the chairmanship of...
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