Court arrests Meydan TV journalists for 4 months

The court arrested Meydan TV journalists Aysel Umudova, Aynur Elgunesh, Aytaj Tapdyg, Natig Javadli, Khayala Agayeva and independent journalist Ramin Deko for 4 months.

They all denied the smuggling charges and linked the criminal case to their professional activities.

Ulvi Tairov was also arrested in this case. According to his lawyer Bahruz Bayramov, Tairov has no relation to Meydan TV. “They were just family friends with Aynur Elgunesh. During the search of Tairov’s house, a sum of money was seized. However, Tairov said that the money belonged to his wife as a taxpayer. She has contracts for the provision of services and the money was received for this. Tairov himself has not traveled abroad since 2022,” the lawyer said.

The arrest decisions will be appealed.

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