[vc_row][vc_column][vc_column_text]Baku Serious Crimes Court completed the preparatory session in the case of “Kanal 11” Internet TV head Teymur Kerimov on 15 May.
The hearing on the merits is scheduled for 29 May, lawyer Neymat Kerimli told Turan.
According to him, the court did not satisfy the defence motion to transfer Kerimli to house arrest. During the court session, Kerimov said he does not accept the charge of extortion by threats. He said that he was arrested by order due to his journalistic activities.
It should be recalled that Kerimov was arrested in December 2023 on charges under Articles 182.2.2 (repeated extortion by threats), 182.2.4 (extortion with the purpose of seizing property in a significant amount) and 182.2.1 (extortion by a group of persons by prior conspiracy) of the Criminal Code of Azerbaijan.
Human rights activists recognized him as a political prisoner.[/vc_column_text][/vc_column][/vc_row]