Court of Appeal does not release “Muslim Unity” member

On Friday, the  Baku Court of Appeal rejected a complaint against the arrest of a member of the “Muslim Unity” Movement Shahin Gadirli, accused under  the Article  234.4.3 (drug trafficking) of the Criminal Code.

According to the investigation, 7 grams of methamphetamine were found in him, his lawyer Zibeyda Sadigova told Turan. Gadirli denied the accusation.

The lawyer pointed out the groundlessness of the charges. The case alleges that Gadirli purchased drugs “for sale”, but there is no evidence that he was involved in drug trafficking.

The lawyer also pointed out that after the detention of Gadirli, they were not allowed to contact his relatives, to invite a lawyer of his choice. For eight days the family was not informed about the place of his detention. Only today it became known in court that the investigation was transferred from the main department for combating organized crime of the Ministry of Internal Affairs to the State Security Service, and Gadirli himself is being held in the pre-trial detention center of the State Security Service.

The lawyer noted that the investigation of criminal cases related to drugs fall within the competence of the police, and not the State Security.

The defense will file a motion to change the preventive measure to house arrest.

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