Head of Kanal 13 rejects charges of illegal construction in court

On November 8, a hearing took place in the Sabail District Court regarding the criminal case of Aziz Orudjov, the head of Kanal-13. During the session, Orudjov’s lawyers requested that his pre-trial detention be changed to house arrest. However, the request was not granted. The prosecutor then announced the indictment. Orudjov denied the charges against him. The next court session is scheduled for January 24.

*Aziz Orudjov was arrested on November 27, 2023, on charges of unauthorized construction. Later, he was also charged under Article 206.3.2 (smuggling committed by a group of individuals acting in collusion) of the Criminal Code. However, following the preliminary investigation, the smuggling charges were dropped.

The case was transferred to court only under Article 188.2 (Unauthorized construction without property rights) of the Criminal Code. For this charge, he faces up to three years of restriction or imprisonment. Orudjov denies the charges. Human rights defenders have recognized him as a political prisoner.

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