In 2022, the European Court of Human Rights (ECHR) made 23 decisions on the merits regarding complaints from Azerbaijan. At the same time, in 22 resolutions the violation of most of the disputed rights was recognized. Khalid Agaliyev, head of the ECHR decision monitoring group on Azerbaijan, announced this referring to the official statistical report of the Strasbourg Court.
Most of all, in cases from Azerbaijan, the ECHR recognized the violation of the rights to freedom and personal integrity. This was found in 9 solutions. Seven cases concerned violations of the right to a fair trial, 3 – property rights, 2 – respect for privacy, 1 – the inadmissibility of torture, 1 – the right to life.
In total, the ECHR adopted 274 judgments on the merits of Azerbaijan. Only in three cases no violation of the applicants’ rights was found.
In 126 decisions, the ECHR recognized the violation of the rights to a fair trial, 98 – the right to liberty and security of person, 57 – the inadmissibility of torture, 46 – property rights, 43 – freedom of association, etc.
At the same time, Azerbaijan is the “leader” in violations of the right to free elections and Article 18 of the European Convention on Human Rights and Freedoms.
Azerbaijan ranks 8th in the ECHR in terms of the number of pending applications.