Fees for Nationwide TV Broadcasting and TV Broadcasting in Baku to Cost Respectively 50,000 AZN and 22,000 AZN
For example, a 1,000,000-AZN state fee has been set for mobile communications services. The Parliament also established a fee in an amount of 50,000 AZN for national television broadcasting, 22,250 AZN for TV broadcasting covering Baku, 1,500 AZN for regional TV broadcasting, 2,500 AZN for public radio broadcasting, 1,250 AZN for radio broadcasting covering Baku and 500 AZN for regional radio broadcasting.
The fee is paid in full if the license is for Baku and is halved if the license is for a region. Furthermore, the procedure of payment of fees has also been changed.
The state fee for wholesale of medicines, which was 2,250 AZN earlier, has been increased to 20,000 AZN. Under the amendment, the amount of the state fee for the issuance of a license to general education institutions (including lyceums and gymnasiums) has been increased fivefold which is now 10,000 AZN. The state fee for running institutions of higher learning or religious, educational establishments has also been increased fivefold and stands at 13,750 AZN. The amendment was put to the vote and adopted.