Opposition Party Representative Fuad Gahramanli to Spend One More Month in Detention


Fuad Gahramanli, the jailed deputy chairman of the opposition Azerbaijan Popular Front Party (APFP), will spend another month in pretrial detention, Gahramanli’s lawyer Yalchin Imanov told the Institute for Reporters’ Freedom and Safety (IRFS).

Fuad Gahramanli was arrested on December 8, 2015. He is charged under Articles 281 (making appeals against the state), 283 (instigation of national, racial, social or religious hatred and hostility) and 220.2 (incitement to active insubordination to lawful demands of a representative of authority and to mass disorders, as well as to violence against citizens) of the Criminal Code. Fuad Gahramanli’s case is being investigated under the same proceedings as the criminal case launched following the police operation conducted in Nardaran settlement on November 26, 2015. Amnesty International has declared Fuad Gahramanli a prisoner of conscience.

According to the lawyer, Nasimi District Court has extended Fuad Gahramanli’s pretrial detention term by another month at the request of the investigating authority.

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