Saleh Rustamov’s relatives joined his hunger strike

On the evening of December 13, fFour close relatives of the political prisoner Saleh Rustamov began a hunger strike as a sign of solidarity. They told reporters about this in front of the Medical Institution of the Penitentiary Service, where Saleh has been on a hunger strike for 38 days.

The hunger strike will continue at his of the convict Tale Rustamov said.  “Tomorrow other relatives and friends will join us,” he added.

On the evening of December 13, fFour close relatives of the political prisoner Saleh Rustamov began a hunger strike as a sign of solidarity. They told reporters about this in front of the Medical Institution of the Penitentiary Service, where Saleh has been on a hunger strike for 38 days.

The hunger strike will continue at his of the convict Tale Rustamov said.  “Tomorrow other relatives and friends will join us,” he added.

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