The Court of Appeal refused to transfer  Sevinj Vagifgizi to house arrest

On July 10, the Baku Court of Appeal considered a complaint against the refusal to transfer the editor-in-chief of “Abzas Media” Sevinj Vagifgiza to house arrest. The court dismissed the complaint, her lawyer Elchin Sadigov told Turan. The defense considers it unlawful to bring Vagifgizi to criminal responsibility and detain her.

* Since November 20, 2023, six journalists and media workers of the “Abzas Media” publication have been arrested on charges of “currency smuggling”. They rejected the charges, linking the criminal case to corruption investigations that were published in “Abzas Media.”

International media protection organizations have called on the Azerbaijani authorities to immediately release the detained journalists and stop pressure on the media.
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