The Court of Appeal will consider three complaints by Hafiz Babala on December 20

[vc_row][vc_column][vc_column_text]Consideration of the complaint against the arrest of investigative journalist Hafiz Babaly will take place on December 20 at 15.00 at the Baku Court of Appeal (BCA), chaired by Hasan Ahmedov, a lawyer Rasul Jafarov told Turan.
Tomorrow, the BCA will consider complaints about the operational search action against Babaly and the arrest of his bank accounts, the lawyer noted.
The editor of the economic department of the Turan agency, Hafiz Babaly, was detained on December 13 on charges of “smuggling foreign currency.” He is involved in the case of journalists from “Abzas Media.”
On December 14, the Khatai District Court decided to pre-sentence Babaly for a period of 3 months.

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