The court once again rejected the complaint of Gubad Ibadoglu

[vc_row][vc_column][vc_column_text]Today, the Narimanov district Court examined the complaint of lawyers of opposition politician and economist Gubad Ibadoglu for not ensuring his rights (a ban on meetings and telephone conversations with family members), his lawyer Bahruz Bayramov said.

According to him, Judge Hafiz Kamranov said that Ibadoglu’s rights have already been restored. However, the lawyer pointed out that Ibadoglu’s rights to meetings and telephone conversations were secured only 28 days after his arrest. The lawyer also petitioned to ensure Ibadoglu’s participation in court. The judge recommended that the defense appeal to the higher prosecutor’s office, and dismissed the complaint.

Bayramov said that the defense will appeal and seek recognition of the violation of Ibadoglu’s rights. If the appeal is also rejected, an application will be sent to the ECHR.

*On July 24, the Narimanov District Court of Baku arrested Gubad Ibadoglu for 3 months and 26 days on charges of making counterfeit money. The Azerbaijani Interior Ministry said that Ibadoglu is associated with supporters of Fethullah Gulen, accused of an attempted coup in 2016 in Turkey. On August 25, he was charged with another charge of “manufacturing, storing or distributing religious extremist materials.”

Gubad Ibadoglu denies the accusations, considering them absurd. Many international organizations and officials have called on official Baku to immediately release the politician.[/vc_column_text][/vc_column][/vc_row]

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