The court refused to transfer Ilhamiz Guliyev to house arrest

In addition, the lawyer continued, there is no expediency of keeping Guliyev in custody, since the preliminary investigation has already been completed. 

Further, a witness, Polad Mustafayev, an employee of the 28th police department of the Yasamal district, was heard at the trial. According to him, Guliyev was detained on December 4, 2023 on the basis of operational information about the possession and sale of drugs. During a personal search in Guliyev’s department a package of drugs was found.

The witness said that Guliyev stated that the drugs did not belong to him and they were planted.

In response to Guliyev’s allegations of physical pressure in the police, Mustafayev said that during the arrest, the activist began to beat himself in the chest and on the head with his fists.

Ilhamiz Guliyev stated that Mustafayev was not present at all during the detention, and he was present only at the department during a personal search.

*Guliyev was detained on December 4, 2024, and on December 6 he was arrested for 4 months on charges of large-scale drug trafficking. However, the real reason for Guliyev’s arrest is an interview with “Abzas Media,” where he spoke about illegal police actions and falsification of criminal cases.

On July 25, the trial  in the case of activist Ilhamiz Guliyev, who was arrested on drug charges, continued in the Baku Serious Crimes Court. At the beginning of the meeting, lawyer Zibeyda Sadygova petitioned to change the preventive measure for Guliyev to house arrest. According to the lawyer, Guliyev is being held in a hot cell where there is not even a fan, which is regarded as torture. However, the petition was not granted.

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