The court remanded Elnara Gasimova in custody

[vc_row][vc_column][vc_column_text]On Thursday, the Khatai District Court granted the defense’s request to transfer Elnara Gasimova, a journalist of the “Abzas Media” publication, under house arrest, lawyer Aisha Abdel Gadir said. An appeal will be filed against this decision.
Gasimova herself stated at the trial that she was being persecuted on a far-fetched charge. According to the girl, the real reason for the arrest is her journalistic activity at “Abzas Media.” At the same time, Gasimova has no complaints about the conditions of detention.
*Elnara Gasimova was detained on January 13 on charges of smuggling by prior agreement of persons (Article 206.3.2 of the Criminal Code). On January 15, the court chose a preventive measure against her, arrest for a period of 3 months. She became the sixth journalist and media worker involved in the “Abzas Media” case.[/vc_column_text][/vc_column][/vc_row]

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