The detention periods of Anar Mammadli and Imran Aliyev have been extended by another 3 months.

Today, the Khatai District Court of Baku extended the pre-trial detention of Anar Mammadli, head of the Election Monitoring and Democracy Studies Center (EMDS), for another 3 months. A lawyer Elchin Sadygov said that the extension of the arrest was justified by the expectation of responses to the relevant inquiries from the investigative body.

The defense, in turn, argued that there was no need to keep Mammadli in custody since his persecution is related to his human rights and public activities. At the same time, the defense petitioned to change the measure of restraint to house arrest. However, the court denied the defense’s petition and extended Mammadli’s detention until November 27.

On the same day, the Khatai District Court also extended the detention of another figure in this case, Imran Aliyev, head of the platform, for another 3 months.

Mammadli and Aliyev were arrested at the end of April this year in connection with the “Abzas Media” case. However, their cases were later separated into individual proceedings. Both are accused of smuggling foreign currency, however, the deny charges. Human rights activists have recognized both as political prisoners.

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