The European Court announced 10 decisions on applications from Azerbaijan

[vc_row][vc_column][vc_column_text]On November 30, the European Court of Human Rights announced 10 decisions on Azerbaijan. Most of the statements are related to detentions during mass actions and administrative arrests, lawyer Khalid Agaliyev told Turan. The complaint about the refusal of the Ministry of Justice to register changes made to the constituent documents of the Popular Front Party of Azerbaijan has been excluded from the list of cases under consideration. The Court indicated that the applicant had not responded to the court’s requests.
The case of Shamistan Gaziyev contained a complaint about the detention of an administrative arrest during a street action. The Government has admitted the violations and will pay the applicant 2,600 euros in compensation for moral damage and 250 euros for legal costs.
On August 24, 2016, when former Health Minister Ali Insanov was in prison, he was charged with illegal drug possession, as well as violent resistance to a prison employee. On August 24, 2016, the Garadag District Court transferred him from the prison to the pre-trial detention center until October 20, but on October 11, the same court decided to keep the applicant in custody until January 11, 2017. Later, the sentence was extended for another two months. The Court of Appeal rejected appeals against these decisions.
In this case, the parties reached an amicable agreement, according to which Ali Insanov will be paid 6,600 euros for moral damage and 1,500 euros for legal costs.
In the case of Abgul Suleymanov v. Azerbaijan, the applicant was charged with a number of crimes in 2012 and sentenced to 11 years in prison. The applicant complained of a violation of his right to freedom of religion, expression and assembly (article 18 of the European Convention).
The decision in this case is also based on reconciliation of the parties. According to the agreement, the Government will pay 7000 euros to the applicant and 2000 euros to his lawyer. In other cases, the complaints relate to freedom of assembly, and in these cases the Government will also compensate the applicants.

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