The European Court fined Azerbaijan more than 65 thousand euros

[vc_row][vc_column][vc_column_text]On August 31, the European Court of Human Rights (ECHR) announced 3 decisions and rulings on 8 applications from Azerbaijan. Based on the complaints, the court fined the Azerbaijani government 65 thousand euros, the website .

In the case of Nabat Bagirova and five other applicants complained of violation of property rights. The real estate belonging to them – houses, plots or apartments – were demolished in 2015-16 as part of a road improvement project in Baku. The alienation of property was illegal. The European Court found the applicants’ complaint justified, recognizing that article 1 of Protocol No. 1 had been violated.

The ECHR spoke about the possibility of reaching an agreement between the Government and the applicants. If the parties come to an agreement within 3 months, they must inform the ECHR. After that, the final decision will be announced.

In the case of Sugra Guliyev v. Azerbaijan, it is said about the confiscation of 0.3 hectares of land in the Saray municipality. The applicant built a house on the site. Later, this plot was purchased from the applicant by the Ministry of National Security, but compensation was not paid.

The claim for compensation in the amount of 178 thousand manats was not satisfied by the local courts. The European Court considered that article 1 of Protocol No. 1 was also violated and decided to pay the plaintiff 62,200 euros for material and 3,000 euros for moral damage.

In the case “Nasimi Musayev v. Azerbaijan”, the applicant Nasimi Musayev from Lerik, was called up for military service in 2011. The Lerik Military Commission decided that the applicant was unfit for military service in peacetime and partially fit in wartime due to diabetes. The applicant repeatedly applied to the commission and asked for a military ID confirming his military status, but was unable to obtain it. The applicant complained of a violation of his rights.

During the communication, the Government admitted a violation of article 6 and undertook to pay the applicant 1,000 euros.[/vc_column_text][/vc_column][/vc_row]

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