The head of the “Realmedia” website, a reporter and a blogger were arrested

[vc_row][vc_column][vc_column_text]The police detained the editor of the site “” Ramin Gurbanov, a correspondent for one of Khayam Gurbanli’s newspapers and blogger Samir Ramazanov. According to the Ministry of Internal Affairs, a criminal case has been opened against the first two on charges of extortion by threats and on the basis of numerous complaints from citizens. According to the same source, these individuals extorted money from individual citizens and firms by blackmailing them with the publication of negative materials.

As for Samir Ramazanov, he was arrested for 30 days on charges of distributing offensive materials and unethical appeals in Tiktok.

A day earlier, Sadig Mirzoev, the father of a “swearing boy” named Adem, was arrested on the same charges and also for 30 days.[/vc_column_text][/vc_column][/vc_row]

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