Toplan employees demand the arrest of animal rights activists

Employees of the Toplan Center for the Care of Homeless Dogs filed a lawsuit against four animal activists: Aynur Babazadeh, Nijat Ismail, Elkhan Mirzoyev and Ilham Nasirov.

The plaintiffs demand to bring the animal activists to hold liable for slander and insult – to arrest or fine them for 100.000 manats (58.000 dollars).

As Ismail told Turan, the plaintiffs saw insults and damage to their business reputation in the publications of activists in social networks, ” Ismailov said.

However, the activists insulted nobody in their posts, just condemned Toplan employees in the cruel treatment of stray dogs. “We protested against the merciless treatment of dogs,” Ismail said. According to him, the Center keeps up with the vicious practice of the “dog box” of the Soviet times when stray dogs were caught and killed.

On August 23, a preparatory meeting was held in the Khatai District Court. “We asked to postpone the meeting, because our lawyer is away. The judge postponed the hearing until August 30. We hope that this absurd claim will not be accepted for production, ” Ismailov said.

The civil movement NIDA came out in defense of the activists demanding from the Toplan Center to conduct transparent activities, open its doors to volunteers, provide information about the fate of animals caught on the streets” and abandon the practice of activists persecution.

Representatives of the Toplan Center were not available for comment. The lawsuit against the activists was filed under Articles 147.1 “Slander” and 148. “Insult”. Under both articles, they can face up to six months of imprisonment.

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