A court date has been set for the case of Avaz Zeynalli

A preparatory hearing on the case against the founder of “Khural TV” LLC Avaz Zeynalli and the head of “Səda TV” LLC Elnur Shukyurov has been scheduled in the Baku Serious Crimes Court for March 27.

Earlier, the Prosecutor General’s Office reported that Zeynalli was charged under Articles 178.2.1 (fraud carried out by prior agreement by a group of persons), 311.3.2 (repeated receipt of a bribe), 311.3.3 (large-scale bribery), 311.3.4 (receiving a bribe with threats), 32.4, 312.2 (incitement to bribery) and 312-1.1 (illegal influence on the decision of an official), and Shukyurov – according to Articles 178.2.1, 32.4, 312.2, 312-1.1, etc. 

Zeynalli and Shukyurov were arrested in September of this year.

On December 29, the term of Zeynalli’s arrest was extended for 3 months. –

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