On 3 April, 209, at noon, in the press center of the Institute for Reporters’ Freedom and Safety, Atlantic Club will conduct a presentation for its report “Evaluation of the National Security’s Situation in the Azerbaijan Republic. You can be familiarized with the report on www.turan.az site.
The Atlantic Club was created on 4 April 2008 by Ali Abbasov, Etibar Aliyev, Isakhan Ashurov, Leyla Aliyeva, Mehman Aliyev, Niyazi Mehdi, Rahman Badalov, Sulhaddin Akbar, Togrul Juvarli, Vurgun Ayyub, Zafar Guliyev, Hikmat Hajizade and Qorkhmaz Guliyev.
The main mission of the Atlantic Club is to organize intellectual support for the process of Azerbaijan Republic’s full integration into the Euro-Atlantic region, to form right public opinion about NATO in the society and to ensure close involvement of civil society in the integration process.
The main mission of the Atlantic Club is to organize intellectual support for the process of Azerbaijan Republic’s full integration into the Euro-Atlantic region, to form right public opinion about NATO in the society and to ensure close involvement of civil society in the integration process.