The Institute for Reporters’ Freedom and Safety director also spoke about the next steps related to campaign in support of erection of the memorial. Emin Huseynov noted that, the International Freedom of Expression Exchange (IFEX) has allocated 6,000 USD for the campaign. One of the focal points of this campaign will be a competition to create a special symbol of freedom of expression in Azerbaijan and Elmar Huseynov. Throughout a one-month period advertisements will appear in “Azerbaijan,” “Republic,” “Khalg,” “Ayna,” “Zerkalo,” “Ekho,” “Azadlig” and “Yeni Musavat” newspapers about the competition and campaign for the memorial. After that, a commission will be founded to choose competition winners. There is a monetary reward for the top three symbols selected by the commission, and the best symbol will also be carved into the base of the Elmar Huseynov memorial, when it is erected.
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