Arrested Party Activist Fuad Ahmadli’s Health Deteriorates


According to lawyer Asabali Mustafayev, he has met with Fuad Ahmadli, the chairman of Khatai district Youth Committee of the opposition party Azerbaijan Popular Front Party (APFP) who was detained on August 18. Fuad Ahmadli is charged under Articles 302.1 (infringement of the legislation on operative-search activity) and 308.1 (abusing official powers) of the Criminal Code. According to the joint statement of the State Security Service and the Prosecutor General’s Office, Fuad Ahmadli, an operator at the Call Centre of Azerfon LLC, channelled personal information of subscribers and phone tracking data to certain people. In addition, religious literature prohibited by law, CDs, speeches of Fetullah Gulen, and documents on persons called “Hizmet (Service) imams” and their mutual relations were allegedly seized from his apartment during search.

The lawyer says Fuad Ahmadli does not consider himself guilty and does not admit any of the charges. “Fuad Ahmadli laughs at the accusations related to Fetullah Gulen network and says what on earth does he have to do with Fetullah Gulen? Fuad says this charge is absolute nonsense. Neither does he agree to the charge of channelling confidential information, saying he has not transferred such information to anyone,” Asabali Mustafayev said.

The lawyer added that Fuad Ahmadli had not been subjected to any violence at the time of arrest or afterwards.

“Fuad has severe health problems. The activist had repeatedly undergone surgeries prior to his arrest and his health markedly worsened two days before. He has a lung problem. The situation has reached such a point that a doctor was called from the Central Clinical Hospital to the detention facility of the State Security Service. His treatment is still ongoing. Although he has no complaints of the treatment towards himself, he wants to be transferred to Kurdakhani detention centre, because his detention cell here is poky and stuffy,” the lawyer noted.

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