It was noted in that article that after the meeting of “Azadlig” Bloc Chairpersons Council Ali Aliyev stated that both he and the bloc consider the statement harsh. They don’t want to hear Azerbaijan’s name with China, Cuba, Eritrea and Iran.
However, according to today’s edition of “Gun Sahar” newspaper, Ali Aliyev demanded “Day.az” site publish a refutation because it distorted his opinions. Aliyev told the Institute for Reporters’ Freedom and Safety that he talked to the leadership of “Day.az” and some corrections have been made to the article.“ Me and “Azadlig” Bloc Chairpersons Council consider U.S. President George Bush’s statement about speech freedom relevant to reality,” Aliyev said.
“Azadlig” bloc is considered the bloc of opposition political parties of Azerbaijan. It includes the National Front Party ( chairperson Ali Karimli), Azerbaijan Liberal Party (chairperson Lala Shovkat), and Azerbaijan Citizen and Development Party (chairperson Ali Aliyev).