Today, 16 March, in the Khatai District Court, under the chairmanship of Judge Togrul Aliyev, a hearing was held on the lawsuit of “Azadlig Harakatchilari” Union Chairman Tahmasib Novruzov (to defend his honor and dignity) against “Nota” newspaper.
Plaintiff T. Novruzov stated during the hearing that the articles “Leads of hot pots lifted in NSM” and “They want to close down ‘Olaylar’ newspaper,” published in “Nota” newspaper’s 18 January 2009 edition, were written with the intention of damaging his honor and dignity, and his image in the society. He asked the judge to fulfill his lawsuit. Novruzov noted that insulting , slanderous expressions against him have published in the newspaper and that this meant to abuse situation created for freedom of speech and press, and expression pluralism.
“Nota” Newspaper Editor-in-Chief S. Alibayli spoke on the defense’s side and said that the name of “Azadlig Harakatchilari” Union Chairman Tahmasib Novruzov’s name has not been mentioned specifically in the articles, but only episodically in some places.
Note that during the last hearing, Judge T. Aliyev suggested that the sides to come to an agreement, and they promised to make a rational settlement. This was not realized due to serious health problems of Novruzov. One more article about him has been published in “Nota” Newspaper when he was ill and therefore he quit thinking about an agreement, according to Novruzov.
In the lawsuit it is demanded that “Nota” Newspaper pay compensation in the amount 120,000 AZN, apologize and a refutation be published in the newspaper.
The next hearing on this case is now scheduled to take place on 19 March at 5:30 p.m.