Calling regional and Baku-based NGOs!

We invite you to join our trainings on communications strategies and technical skills.

Learn how to produce multi-media news items and press releases to raise awareness of your activities.

IRFS, the Democratic Journalism School, and the Regional Human Rights and Media Center are implementing a new project to strengthen civil society communications capacity, to provide better and wider coverage of public issues and developments across the countries. Our trainings will teach you the following:

– technical skills for making and publicizing print news, photos and videos;
– how to use available tools, computer programs, websites, and software that can improve your work;
– using the internet to develop your professional networks with key potential partners
– how NGOs can deploy the skills of citizen journalism in their work;
– ethical and legal matters relating to media outputs.

The trainings will cover 5 regions: Baku, Ganja, Lenkoran, Kurdamir and Nakhchivan.
If you are interested, email us a letter of interest ( Please include your place of residence, age, education, occupation, skill level, and why you want to participate in the trainings.

The first training will be in Baku and take place on March 5 and 6, 2012, at the office of the Institute for Reporters’ Freedom and Safety.

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