Yesterday, Shamil Muradov was filming the destruction of houses with their residents still inside when he was detained by the police and his video footage was confiscated, he reported to IRFS.
Muradov said that he had been filming the destruction and attendant illegal activities during this two year process in order to be able to provide video evidence during court hearings. “Yesterday, neighbors informed me about the destruction of the third floor of three-storey house with people still living in the second floor apartments, so I went along with my camera. The police were called to the scene, and when they took both of the second floor residents and the demolition workers to Nasimi District Police Station # 21, I went too. While filming in front of the police station, the police who came out demanded that I stop filming. They took me inside and confiscated my videotape”.
Muradov said that, at the police station, while talking to the captain Arzu Babeyev, he had said that the videotape contained an extra 30 minutes of footage, and demanded it back. The police captain took Muradov’s number and promised to contact him within 3 days. Muradov told IRFS that if he is not contacted within the stipulated time period, he will go to the police station himself and personally demand his videotape.