Council of Europe Committee to discuss cases of Azerbaijani activists

The Committee of Ministers of the Council of Europe will discuss the implementation of the judgments of the European Court of Human Rights. In particular, cases on Azerbaijan will be considered, lawyer Khalid Aghaliyev said.

Thus, the ECHR monitors the issue of non-fulfillment of the judgments on cases of human rights defenders Anar Mammadli, Intigam Aliyev, Leyla Yunus and Arif Yunus, journalist Khadija Ismail (two cases) and youth activists Mammad Azizov and Shahin Novruzlu.

The ECtHR judgments indicate that these applicants were persecuted for criticizing the authorities, and Article 18 of the European Convention was violated against them/ The point is about the political motivation behind the criminal cases against them.

The applicants had been released early from prison but have not been rehabilitated, so the existence of a criminal record restricted a number of their rights.

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