Court Denies Journalist’s Appeal against Travel Ban


Nasimi district Court, chaired by Judge Shalala Hasanova, heard journalist Sevinj Vagifgizi’s appeal against the international travel restrictions imposed on her on September 20, 2015. The journalist links the ban to the criminal case launched against Meydan TV.

Speaking about the closed hearing on the journalist’s appeal, journalist’s lawyer Shahla Humbatova said Judge Shalala Hasanova dismissed the appeal by saying that it did not qualify for supervisory proceedings.

Background: According to lawyer Elchin Sadigov, in August 2015, Serious Crimes Investigation Department of Prosecutor General’s Office launched a criminal case in relation to Meydan TV’s activities under Articles 213.2.2 (evasion of taxes in a large amount), 192.2.2 (illegal business) and 308.2 (abuse of power) of the Criminal Code. According to the lawyer, the names of at least 15 journalists (photo reporter, columnist, editor, etc) cooperating with Meydan TV in Baku and abroad are mentioned in the criminal case. The criminal case has been launched on the fact, but journalists cooperating with Meydan TV may face charges and be arrested at any moment. The investigation of the criminal case is underway.

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