Today (18 July) a hearing on the lawsuit put forth against "Korrupsiya va Jamiyyat" (Corruption and Society) journal and the publication's editor-in-chief Mammad Ahmadoglu was supposed to take place in the Yasamal District Court under the chairmanship of Judge Khagani Tagiyev.

However, the journal’s editor-in-chief M. Ahmadoglu said that he objected to the judge and sent a copy of the objection to the Yasamal District Court Chairman Aladdin Jafarov.

Ahmadoglu told the Institute for Reporters’ Freedom and Safety, “My objection was considered by Khagani Tagiyev, and this objection was presented to the opposite side as well. Judge Tagiyev said that he would send the protest to the Chairman of the Yasamal District Court. A different judge will consider the lawsuit filed against us if he agrees to this.”

Recall that, the head of "Murphy Shipping & Commercial Services" Ltd, Great Britain citizen Adeola Agbabika and his representative Namig Alekberov filed a lawsuit in the Yasamal District Court against "Korrupsiya va Jamiyyet" Journal and the journal's founder and chief editor Mammed Ahmedoglu. The lawsuit stems from the articles "The Judge's oath and appetite" and "How Nigerian swindler's lawsuit against the Justice Ministry was fulfilled according to 1,350,000 USD" which were run in 2007, in the ninth edition of the journal. Evaluating the article as degrading their honor and dignity, in the lawsuit plaintiff asked the court to open a criminal case under articles 147.2 (slander with accusing someone of grave or especially grave crime) and article 148 (insult) of Criminal Code and to institute 300, 000 (three hundred thousand) AZN fine against the magazine and to publish a refutation.   

On 4 October 2007, during a hearing on this case in the Yasamal District Court Judge Khagani Tagiyev adopted a decision that until this case is resolved in court "Korrupsiya va Jamiyyet" Journal and the journal's Editor-in-Chief Mammad Ahmadoglu are forbidden from disseminating any material about this case or the plaintiffs Great Britain citizen Adeola Agbabiaka and lawyer Namig Alakbarov. Since a complaint was filed against this decision in upper instances and the complaint was under consideration, the consideration of the lawsuit was postponed (it was learned that this ended yesterday).  

In another decision by Khagani Tagiyev, the part about Agbabyaka in the lawsuit, where demand is made to pay for moral damages, was held unconsidered. Now Namig Alakbarov is the only plaintiff. This stems from an international search warrant announced about Agbabyaka.  

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