Today, 13 July, in the Nizami District Court, under the chairmanship of judge Vidadi Mammadov, a hearing scheduled to be held on the special lawsuit of Internal Army Commander, General-Lieutenant Zakir Hasanov, Internal Army Deputy Commander Fakhraddin Samadov, Internal Army Financial Manager Namig Poladov and Internal Army Staff Department Head, Colonel Nasir Huseynov under article 147.2 (accusing someone in grave or especially grave crimes) of the Criminal Code against “Nota” newspaper’s Editor-in-Chief Substitute Sardar Alibeyli was postponed.

The judge fulfilled Sardar Alibeyli’s motion to postpone the hearing and scheduled the next hearing for 20 July at 4:00 p.m.
Internal Army Commander, General-Lieutenant Zakir Hasanov, Internal Army Deputy Commander Fakhraddin Samadov, Internal Army Financial Manager Namig Poladov and Internal Army Staff Department Head, Colonel Nasir Huseynov have filed a lawsuit against Sardar Alibeyli in the special format under article 147.2 (libel in accusing someone of grave or especially grave crime) of the Criminal Code claiming that the articles about the Internal troops published in the latest editions of the newspaper contained writings damaging to their honor and dignity and their reputation.    
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(Azeri) ELAN!!!

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