The Institute for Reporters` Freedom and Safety was told this by E.Karimov.
According to E.Karimov, the judge read the result of examination conducted regarding Khagani Tagiyev`s article. It was noted in the examination results that thoughts in the articles were damaging to the Ministry’s image.
A.Karimov added that his motion regarding conducting a reexamination and inviting the expert to court was not fulfilled.
The plaintiff’s representatives Dabuleyka Guliyev and Alirza Habilov asked the court to punish Eyyub Karimov under article 147.2 (accusing someone in grave or especially grave crimes) of the Criminal Code. E.Karimov asked the court for time to prepare to make a speech.
Judge Khagani Tagiyev scheduled the next hearing on this case for 25 January at 4:30 p.m.
On 7 December 2009 the Judge fulfilled Eyyub Karimov’s motion partially and issued a decision to appoint an examination into the articles in questions “Letter fancier,” and “NSM and Chief Prosecutor’s Office know well who ordered it,” which were published in the Femida-007 newspaper; and “Internal Ministry inside and outside of the game,” published in Azadlig newspaper to find out if there was any libel. The judge removed the question “if the articles are based on the facts, can they be considered libel?” from the motion and fulfilled the motion partially.
Interior Minister Ramil Usubov filed a lawsuit against Eyyub Karimov under article 147.2 of the Criminal Code due to articles “Letter fancier,” and “NSM and Chief Prosecutor’s Office know well who ordered it,” which were published in Femida-007 newspaper; and “Internal Ministry inside and outside of the game” published in Azadlig newspaper.
According to E.Karimov, the judge read the result of examination conducted regarding Khagani Tagiyev`s article. It was noted in the examination results that thoughts in the articles were damaging to the Ministry’s image.
A.Karimov added that his motion regarding conducting a reexamination and inviting the expert to court was not fulfilled.
The plaintiff’s representatives Dabuleyka Guliyev and Alirza Habilov asked the court to punish Eyyub Karimov under article 147.2 (accusing someone in grave or especially grave crimes) of the Criminal Code. E.Karimov asked the court for time to prepare to make a speech.
Judge Khagani Tagiyev scheduled the next hearing on this case for 25 January at 4:30 p.m.
On 7 December 2009 the Judge fulfilled Eyyub Karimov’s motion partially and issued a decision to appoint an examination into the articles in questions “Letter fancier,” and “NSM and Chief Prosecutor’s Office know well who ordered it,” which were published in the Femida-007 newspaper; and “Internal Ministry inside and outside of the game,” published in Azadlig newspaper to find out if there was any libel. The judge removed the question “if the articles are based on the facts, can they be considered libel?” from the motion and fulfilled the motion partially.
Interior Minister Ramil Usubov filed a lawsuit against Eyyub Karimov under article 147.2 of the Criminal Code due to articles “Letter fancier,” and “NSM and Chief Prosecutor’s Office know well who ordered it,” which were published in Femida-007 newspaper; and “Internal Ministry inside and outside of the game” published in Azadlig newspaper.