Recall that, the head of "Murphy Shipping & Commercial Services" Ltd, Great Britain citizen Adeola Agbabika and his representative Namig Alekberov filed a lawsuit in the Yasamal District Court against "Korrupsiya va Jamiyyet" Journal and the journal's founder and chief editor Mammad Ahmedoglu. On 4 October 2007, during a hearing on this case in the Yasamal District Court Judge Khagani Tagiyev adopted a decision that until this case is resolved in court "Korrupsiya va Jamiyyet" Journal and the journal's Editor-in-Chief Mammad Ahmadoglu are forbidden from disseminating any material about this case or the plaintiffs Great Britain citizen Adeola Agbabiaka and lawyer Namig Alakbarov. M.Ahmadoglu filed an appeals complaint against this decision. On 13 March the Appellate Court judge Akif Isgandarov partially fulfilled the lawsuit and issued a decision to eliminate ban about disseminating material about Great Britain citizen Adeola Agbabika, but not about Namig Alakbarov. Ahmadoglu appealed to Supreme Court to apply this decision in regards to Namig Alakbarov. Supreme Court didn’t fulfill Ahmadoglu’s lawsuit. On 8 September a complaint regarding this case was sent to the European Court of Human Rights.