Human rights activist sentenced to six years in prison


On July 14, Nizami district court of Ganja city completed trial in the case of Hasan Huseynli, human rights activist and director of the Ganja-based Intelligent Citizen Enlightenment Center.

In his closing arguments, Huseynli called the charges fabricated and accused the investigator of inaccurate investigation of the case. Pleading not guilty, the rights defender requested acquittal.

After deliberation, however, the court returned a verdict of guilty for Huseynli with a sentence of six years in prison, one year less than that requested by the prosecutor. He was arrested in the courtroom.

Huseynli was detained on March 31 on charge of stabbing his neighbor Arzu Gahramanov. Though he was released after two days, Huseynli was charged with armed hooliganism and illegal possession of cold weapons. Throughout pre-trial investigation and trial he was under a restraining order which required him not to leave his town of residence without permission.

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