On 5 January 2009 I. Huseynov was placed in the hospital by the employees of the Nakhchivan Autonomous Republic’s Ministry of Interior.
This incident appears to be related to the 24 December 2008 incident in which a group of youth were detained by the Sadarak Region Police and held in the police station until morning. During their time of detainment, the youth were subjected to physical, moral and psychological pressure and their parents subsequently addressed formal written complaints to the Azerbaijan Republic's Ministry of Interior and Republic of Azerbaijan President. Group I invalid Ismayil Hasanov, one of the parents who signed the complaints, was detained by police and committed to a mental institution against his will. Hasanov's wife Khanimzar Hasanova and Elvin Hasanov have been missing for seven days. In addition, Ibrahim and Turkan Valiyev were among the parents who signed these complaints. They were taken to the Sdarak Police Department on 12 January. At present there’s no information about them either.