On the 14th of December, Masalli Regional Court partially fulfilled the lawsuit of Azerbaijani parliamentarian Novruzali Aslanov against Tribuna News Agency editor-in-chief Alishir Ahad.
Judge N.Musayev passed a decision on imposing 20,000 AZN fine on Alishir Ahad. Ahad stated that his Agency is not capable of paying this fine and they will appeal against the decision.
MP Novruzali Aslanov filed a lawsuit against the journalist claiming his honor and dignity was insulted in the article “Stone competes against rock in election constituency #86” published in the website (tia.az) of the Tribune news agency. The lawsuit called for the payment of a 20,000 AZN fine under Article 147.1 of Criminal Code.
MP Novruzali Aslanov filed a lawsuit against the journalist claiming his honor and dignity was insulted in the article “Stone competes against rock in election constituency #86” published in the website (tia.az) of the Tribune news agency. The lawsuit called for the payment of a 20,000 AZN fine under Article 147.1 of Criminal Code.