Summary: Hearing 3 (March 30)
Defendant Javid Huseynov’s lawyer Adam Mammadov filed a motion requesting to remove the names of Rasim Aliyev’s mother Teyfura Aliyeva and Javid Huseynov’s mother Khalida Hajiyeva from the list of witnesses. The justification was that they had participated in the previous court hearings;
Javid Huseynov’s mother Khalida Hajiyeva confirmed her attendance of the previous hearings;
Rasim Aliyev’s mother Teyfura Aliyeva said she had not participated in the previous hearings;
The judge requested that the lawyer presents the evidence proving participation of Teyfura Aliyeva in the past hearings. Adam Mammadov said there was a video and photo evidence of Teyfura Aliyeva’s participation in the court hearings, which he would present to the court.
Elman Rahimov, the judge presiding the Sabail district court, held a hearing on the criminal case of the football player Javid Huseynov, who is prosecuted in connection with journalist Rasim Aliyev’s death and is charged under the articles 307.1 (failure to inform about a serious crime, despite of being aware of its preparation or committal) and 307.2 (concealment of a serious crime without a prior consent) of the Criminal Code. Five men, including Javid Huseynov’s relative, are currently under the trial investigation in connection with this murder. According to the indictment, Kanan Madatov, Jamal Mammadov and Samir Mustafayev were charged with the Article 126.3 (deliberate causing of serious harm to health entailing on imprudence death of a victim), while Elshan Ismayilov, who is the football player Javid Huseynov’s cousin, and Arif Aliyev were charged with Articles 126.3 (deliberate causing of serious harm to health entailing on imprudence death of a victim) and 177.1 (theft) of the Criminal Code. On April 01, 2016, Baku Grave Crimes . At the court session held on February 23, the public prosecutor demanded 14-year jail sentences for Elshan Ismayilov and Arif Aliyev, a 12-year imprisonment for Jamal Mammadov, and 11.5-years in jail for Samir Mammadov and Kanan Madatov.
Lawyer’s motion:
Defendant Javid Huseynov’s lawyer Adam Mammadov filed a motion suggesting to remove the names of Rasim Aliyev’s mother Teyfura Aliyeva and Javid Huseynov’s mother Khalida Hajiyeva from the list of witnesses. Mammadov justified his motion with the claim that they had participated in the previous court hearings.
Unlike Javid Huseynov’s mother Khalida Hajiyeva who confirmed her participation in the previous hearings, the late journalist Rasim Aliyev’s mother Teyfura Aliyeva said she had not attended the hearings befoe.
Judge Elman Rahimov said it was important to prove Teyfura Aliyeva’s participation in the previous hearings and invited the lawyer to produce the evidence.
Lawyer Adam Mammadov said he had a video and photo images related to Teyfura Aliyeva’s participation in the court hearings and said he would send them to the court the following day.
The judge set the next court hearing for April 6, 12.20pm.