Journalist reporting on corruption cases remanded in Ganja

Arshad Ibrahimov

Ganja City Nizami District Grave Crimes Court has ordered journalist Arshad Ibrahimov to be remanded, his brother reported today, June 18th.

According to his brother, Arhsad Ibrahimov has been arrested based on the request of Mahammad Bagirov, former education department chief of Kalbajar region, against whom a criminal case has been launched in the Corruption Department of General Prosecutor’s Office.

Arshad Ibrahimov, who is known for his articles on corruption, was recently sued by Mahammad Bagirov, who had appealed to the court over Ibrahimov’s articles about corrupt activities of the state body he headed. After these articles were published, Corruption Department under General Prosecutor’s Office conducted inspection in the said state body and discovered facts of corruption. Prosecutor’s Office released statement in connection with it. However today journalist Arshad Ibrahimov was also detained, based on the motion of Mahammad Bagirov.
Note that Ibrahimov is a former staffer of “Azadliq” newspaper, who separated with the paper in October of 2013 and began operating as a freelancer.

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