Today, 24 June, in the Baku Appellate Court, under the chairmanship of Judge Jamila Sefiyeva, a hearing was held on the appeal of student-journalist Elmin Badalov against the decision of Nasimi District Court on 5 April, 2010.
Judge J.Sefiyeva did not allow media representatives and observers to participate in the open hearing.
Plaintiff Elmin Bedelov, his Representative Fariz Namazli, and defense representatives – Ilgar Javadli, and the dean of the “Oil Mechanics” of SOAA faculty, Gasim Mammadov, participated in the hearing.
Education Ministry’s representative Natig Ibrahimov also took part in the hearing by the invitation of the court.
The Institute for Reporters` Freedom and Safety was told about the hearing by the Plaintiff’s attorney Fariz Namazli.
“SOAA said that dismissal of E.Bedelov from the university was related to his three failures in accordance with the regulation that was adopted by the Ministry of Education in 1994. Although we filed a motion to send an information inquiry to the Constitutional Court to verify the conformity of the regulation to the constitution, the motion was not fulfilled,” said lawyer F.Namazli, and added that Judge J.Sefiyeva scheduled the next hearing on this case for 1 July, at 4:00 p.m.
IRFS complained to the Court Law Council Chairman regarding the Judge, because journalists and observers were removed from the open hearing.
Yeni Musavat newspaper’s employee Elmin Bedelov was dismissed from the State Oil Academy on 19 January 2010. On 12 November 2009 Elmin Bedelov published an article on website (“Reportage from Azerbaijan State Oil Academy”) regarding bribe cases and financial frauds in the Azerbaijan State Oil Academy. The student-journalist claims that pressure used against him and his failures are related to his article. Although he filed a lawsuit in the Nasimi District Court against Azerbaijan State Oil Academy and Rector Siyavush Garayeva, the decision was issued not to fulfill lawsuit on 5 April, 2010.