“In December of 2007 we appealed to sign a contract with 'Azerbaijanfilm' and Professional Cinema Producers Guild. We were told by the Guild that a contract would be signed with us only after we pay all the debts since the day the Public TV was established,” said defense lawyer J.Aliyev. Then Aliyev said that the lawsuit of "Azerbaijanfilm" Film Studio and Professional Cinema Producers Guild against Public TV and Radio broadcasting regarding payments of the debts is unfounded and should be rejected. The defense lawyer introduced Public TV’s lawsuit to the court to consider the refusal to sign a contract by the guild illegal.
Plaintiff’s lawyer Akbar Bagirov said that contract should be signed according to the agreement between two sides. “We as one side wish to sign a contract, but the debts up to date should be paid,” he added.
Judge Tahira Asadova accepted counter claims for consideration and scheduled the hearing for 18 February at 3:30 p.m.