Today, 11 March, in the Yasamal District Court, under the chairmanship of Judge Khagani Mammadov, a hearing was held on the lawsuit of "Haji Mazan" LTD's founder Ramazan Zeynalov to defend his honor and dignity against "Gundalik Baki" Newspaper and "Gundalik Baki" Newspaper's Founder and Editor-in-Chief Habil Valiyev.
During the last hearing "Gundalik Baki" Newspaper's Founder and Editor-in-Chief Habil Valiyev said that that there were cases in connection with the articles in question which are considered by different judges at the Yasamal District Court and he filed a motion to merge these cases. Judge Mammadov did not fulfill the motion today and scheduled the next hearing for 30 March at 4:00 p.m.
The lawsuit stems from articles "Narcotics Itinerary in the South" published in "Gundalik Baki" newspaper on 14 January 2009 and "Narcotics Itinerary in the South – 2" published in the newspaper on 22 January, 2009.