Rasim Alizade, the representative of the complaining residents, told this to the Institute for Reporters’ Freedom and Safety.
“The doors of “International Press Center” and “Nizami” press club were simply locked,” said Alizade. “’Interfax-Azerbaijan’ and ‘Ria-Novosti’ press centers didn’t replied to our appeals up to now. From ‘Ayna’ Press House we were informed that press clubs stopped their work three years ago.” R. Alizade added that the Nadaran residents also appealed to Musavat Party to conduct a press conference. “Their press conference hall is in need of repairs. There are no conditions to conduct a press conference there,” he emphasized.
According to R.Alizade, today (1 September) they held the press conference in the press center of “Gundalik Baki” Newspaper. However, they are getting ready to hold a larger press conference. According to Alizade, they are planning to conduct the press conference on 5 September; if they find a place, of course.