On 1 June, the Binagadi District Court held trial on the mutual lawsuit of lawyer Osman Kazimov against the Board of the Bar of Lawyers to annul the 4  February 2011 judgment expelling him from the Azerbaijan Republic Bar of  Lawyers and Tural Karimov third person. Judge Huseyn Safarov presided over the hearing.

Plaintiff, his Representatives Altay Muradov, and Firuz Guliyev, defendant  Osman Kazimov, his representative Natig Mustafayev, his lawyer Vugar  Khasayev and representative of third person Yaver huseynov attended the  hearing.

The representative of the Board of the Bar of Lawyers Altay Muradov said  that Osman Kazimov acted against ethic of profession of barrister. He  violated demands of law and he did not support person who was defended by  him.

Osman Kazimov gave questions to the representative of plaintiff said that I  refused to sign confrontation protocol because of attorney has distorted  testimony of witness.

Karimov filed motion to question director of legal advice office Sumbule  Aliyeva, Tural Karimov, and attorney Kamal Talibov.

The Judge did not express his opinion on motion because of there was  conflict between representative of plaintiff Feruz Guliyev   and  participants in hearing.

The Judge Huseyn Safarov demanded plaintiff to submit Regulation on Ethic  behavior Rules and official summon that sent to Osman Kazimov to court.

The Judge scheduled the next hearing for 24 June, at 15:20 pm.

At a 4 February meeting held by the Board of the Bar of Lawyers, a  decision was issued to stop Osman Kazimov`s work as a lawyer and to appeal  to court for expulsion from the Bar of Lawyers. The Bar of lawyers issued  this decision on the basis of the petition filed by First Deputy General  Prosecutor Rustam Usubov. The Prosecutor's office charged Osman kazimov with  violation of Criminal Procedure Code and the law on Lawyer Activity.

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(Azeri) İyunun 1-də Binəqədi rayon Məhkəməsində hakim Hüseyn Səfərovun sədrliyi ilə Vəkillər Kol

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