IRFS attempted to contact the Absheron District Police Department about this issue, but no one answered the phone.
On 27 June 2008, M. Ismayiloglu was called to the Absheron District Police Department on the basis of a lawsuit filed against him by his neighbor Vahid Imanov, who works in the Ministry of Interior. In the complaint it is alleged that the journalist beat his neighbor's servant for dumping trash in his yard. Therefore a criminal case on Article 221.3 of the Criminal Code (hooliganism with use of a weapon or weapon-like item) was opened against M.Ismayiloglu.
On 27 June 2008, M. Ismayiloglu was called to the Absheron District Police Department on the basis of a lawsuit filed against him by his neighbor Vahid Imanov, who works in the Ministry of Interior. In the complaint it is alleged that the journalist beat his neighbor's servant for dumping trash in his yard. Therefore a criminal case on Article 221.3 of the Criminal Code (hooliganism with use of a weapon or weapon-like item) was opened against M.Ismayiloglu.