The plaintiff, “Tezadlar” Newspaper Editor-in-Chief Asif Mammadov, and representatives of Azerbaijan State Pedagogical University Deaprtment Head Huseyn Ahmadov – Mammadali Aliyev, Bakhtiyar Mammadov, Azerbaijan Beynelkhalg (International) University’s employees Anvar Ahmadov and Eyyub Azizov, Azerbaijan Beynelkhalg (International) University’s lawyer fazil Nasibov, “Yeni Khabar” Newspaper Editor-in-Chief Ilgar Salmanov and “Yeni Khabar” Newspaper Consultant Faig Safarov participated in the hearing.
During the hearing Asif Marzili told the court that he was accused of committing grave crimes under different articles of the Criminal Code in articles published in “Yeni Khabar” Newspaper on 22 November 2008 (#15) and expressions damaging to his honor and dignity and to his business image were published in mass media.
Azerbaijan Beynelkhalg (International) University’s lawyer Fazil Nasibov said that the lawsuit was unfounded. After learning the position of the sides, the judge scheduled the trial to begin on 29 March, at 3:30 p.m.
This lawsuit stems from the articles “Everybody’s conscience is his God”, “Injured parties are blackmailed so they don’t speak up” and “Articles about Mahir Abdullayev are ordered by a band that is engaged in kidnapping humans” that were published in tenth and eleventh pages of “Yeni Khabar” Newspaper on 22 November 2008 (#15).