Yesterday, 17 June, the Press Council addressed an appeal to “Azadlig” Newspaper claiming that the newspaper did not adhere to professional principles in May-June editions.
It is alleged in the appeal that satiric/journalist Sakit Zahidov did not adhere to professional responsibility in some of his writings that were published in “Radikal” section of “Azadlig” Newspaper. Zahidov has allegedly written compositions that damage the honor and dignity of socio-political figures and well-known people.
Press Council secretary Rahim Huseynzade told the Institute for Reporters’ Freedom and Safety that in the appeal they recommended that “Azadlig” Newspaper should observe certain limits regarding freedom of speech and expression, respect morals of all sides and not allow such unpleasant incidents to occur in the future.
Satiric/ journalist Sakit Zahidov told IRFS that on behalf of the Press Council, this appeal belongs to official government organs and there’s biased attitude towards the newspaper in official circles.
“It is clear that I was arrested for my poems,” said S. Zahidov. “Press Council Chairman Aflatun Amashov should defend the rights of journalists. However, he defends the interests of “higher-ranking people.”
Press Council secretary Rahim Huseynzade told the Institute for Reporters’ Freedom and Safety that in the appeal they recommended that “Azadlig” Newspaper should observe certain limits regarding freedom of speech and expression, respect morals of all sides and not allow such unpleasant incidents to occur in the future.
Satiric/ journalist Sakit Zahidov told IRFS that on behalf of the Press Council, this appeal belongs to official government organs and there’s biased attitude towards the newspaper in official circles.
“It is clear that I was arrested for my poems,” said S. Zahidov. “Press Council Chairman Aflatun Amashov should defend the rights of journalists. However, he defends the interests of “higher-ranking people.”