Then Jeyhun Farzullayev answered the questions of state plaintiffs and he said that he was psychically assaulted during the investigation. He also said that he was demanded to give testimony againt N.Panahly. “I was told to write how Nemat beat Eldeniz Rzayev, and then they will release me”.
The Judge E.Ahmadov gave information to participants of hearing about ending investigation. Then state plaintiff Ramazanov represented in the hearing. He requested court to sentence Nemat Pamahli to 7. 5 years, Jeyhun Farzullayev to 5 years. He also requested to fix prison period from their detention.
Lawyers of defense sides requested court time to be familiarized with notes in protocols and to prepare for representation in the hearinfg. The judge E.Ahmadov scheduled the next hearing for 7 June at 14:30 p.m.
Nemat Panahli, the Chairman of the Azerbaijan National Statehood Party, was arrested under charges brought by Citizen Eldar Rzayev. A criminal case has been brought against both men under Article 221.3 of the Criminal Code (hooliganism committed with a weapon). If he is found guilty, Panahli could face 5 years in prison.
Panahli’s supporters claim that the real reason behind his arrest is his journalistic activity. He wrote a number of articles criticizing the government, published in various press outlets, including the Nota PS.