Public activist Magsud Aliyev has been arrested

Public activist Magsud Aliyev was detained on August 16 by officers of the 40th department of the Binagadi district police department and arrested administratively for 30 days. He was accused of disobeying the police. This was reported by the activist’s father Faig Aliyev.

According to him, the family was not informed about the detention of the activist. The father learned about his son’s detention from his friends.

According to his father, the activist is being persecuted for the question he asked on August 12 to the leader of the Party of People’s Front of Azerbaijan Ali Kerimli about President Ilham Aliyev. This happened on the Internet platform Caspian Platform during the discussion of the topic: “Human resources for democratic change”.

The human rights organization “Line of Defense” condemned the arrest of the activist and took this case under control. Nemat Kerimli, a lawyer, has been engaged to defend the rights of M. Aliyev, who will try to meet with him on Monday.

An appeal will be filed against the arrest, said Rufat Safarov, director of the “Line of Defense”.

In turn, the Interior Ministry called the allegations about the arrest of M.Aliyev baseless “because of some question.”

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